Monday, April 12, 2010

Picking Up An Interrupted Work In Progress

Last week I blogged about finishing the next book after I sold. When I sold to The Wild Rose Press, I was in the middle of writing another manuscript. When I sold this WIP was set aside.

Now, I can finally pick the WIP back up. The rough draft was already done, now I'm at the editing/polishing stage. I started to read what I'd already edited to bring myself back into the story.

It's amazing what I see now, compared to then. I can only thank my editor Karen at The Wild Rose Press. During the editing stages with IN PLAIN SIGHT, she pointed out to me areas that needed help and over usage of certain words.

As I pick up my WIP, I realize I still have a lot to learn. And I'm enjoying the process more than I thought I would.

Even with the manuscript I finished and my critique group read, I still use the same words over and over. I think all writers do that.

1 comment:

Helen Hardt said...

Hi Marie -- I think all writers use the same words like that. I know I do. I keep and open on my computer whenever I'm writing, lol.

Thanks for your support on my blog. I'll definitely be back to visit you here :).