Friday, January 5, 2018

Favorite Thing I've Written by Marie Tuhart #MFRW

Favorite Thing I've Written, and Why - Week 1 MFRW 52 week challenge

This is always a hard one for me because I love all the books I've written.

What stands out to me is my hero in Saddle Up.

I started writing Jared the way I thought he should be written, a very controlling, hard Dom. I was 15,000 words into the story when he finally raised his head and said "That's not me."

As a writer, I just stopped and asked him "Then who are  you?"

That's when he started talking to me, and the story really began to develop. Jared was a different character than I was painting him, but that was okay because I fell in love with him as I wrote the book. He turned out to be a really loving guy in ways I didn't expect.

So that's my favorite thing I've written


Unknown said...

I love it when a character does that! The writing experience doesn't get any better imo.

Linda McLaughlin said...

Isn't it fun when a character comes to life enough to foil your plans? LOL. Usually a happy surprise.

Anonymous said...

I've never (quite) had a character talking to me, but I can imagine it's wonderful.

Molly Daniels said...

LOL....I was fleshing out a female character last year and she decided to write a song while I slept! Thankfully, I woke up the third time she 'sang' it, and wrote it down. Love it when my characters 'talk' to me!

RaineB said...

How cool is it that you listened to him! Thanks for sharing!

Tricia Schneider said...

I recently wrote a story where I had the same experience with a main character. It's making the story difficult, but interesting.