Monday, February 24, 2020

Guest Post: My Past, Your Future by Gabbi Grey

Today I'm welcoming Gabbi Grey and her debut novel: My Past, Your Future which is part of the Deerbourne Inn series from The Wild Rose Press.

Welcome Gabbi

Tell us a little about yourself:

I live in beautiful British Columbia on a mountain, surrounded by trees, racoons, deer, and other woodland creatures.  My fur baby chinpoo Ally is my constant companion, barking at those nasty bears. I work for government by day, and by night crafts stories where my characters get happy endings.  I write contemporary, gay, sweet, and dark erotic BDSM romances. I firmly believe in making my characters suffer before finding their true love.

What do like the most and the least about writing?

Writing is easy, editing is brutal.  Words often flow freely, filling up that blank page easily.  I can take criticism and feedback just fine, but if I face another comma splice, or dangling modifier, I’ll scream.

Give us a peek into your latest published work:

A Civil War ghost, a history professor, and the magic of the Winter Solstice…

Callum MacLaren, a professor from Scotland, visits Willow Springs, Vermont during the Winter Solstice to study and explore the rich history of St. Joseph's Cemetery. His encounter with a sexy soldier in a tattered Civil War uniform is a captivating puzzle, and the more he learns, the deeper his attraction.

A hundred and fifty years ago, Elijah Freeman was killed during the Second Battle of Fort Wagner and woke up in Willow Springs, the only home he'd known. Alone, he roams the town, unable to leave or interact with a single soul until an intriguing Scot addresses him. Even stranger, the man can see him, hear him, and touch him--a sizzling caress that leaves Elijah aching for more.

But will Elijah return to his ghostly form when the magic of the solstice fades, or is Callum's love enough to keep him in the land of the living?

What’s next on the writing horizon for you?

I’ve written a novella for the One Scoop or Two call for The Wild Rose Press, and I have a dark erotic BDSM novel coming out with them later in the year.

Is there anything you want to tell readers?

I’m versatile and write across a number of subgenres in romance including gay, dark erotic BDSM, sweet, and contemporary.  I’ve also got stories that include paranormal and historical elements.  I’m okay with taking risks and stepping out of my comfort zone. I provide emotionally satisfying happy endings because I create deep connections with my characters, and they become like friends to me. These characters are ordinary people, in ordinary places, finding themselves facing extraordinary circumstances.


Was a graveyard female or male? The place could be an it, but assigning a gender felt more appropriate. That somehow humanized something most people avoided at all costs but that he loved almost as much as life itself. There was something about walking about the graves, reading dedications and plaques, that always gave him a sense of life. The inhabitants might be dead, but their spirits lived on, and if he was lucky, would offer their stories and share their lives.

Mindful of the flashlight, he clapped his hands, trying to get some circulation back. It was damn cold, and now that night had fallen, the temperature was dropping precipitously. At least he’d worn a parka, thick socks, sturdy boots, and a wool cap.

He’d accomplished enough for the day. Better to make an early start tomorrow morning. Calculating the shortest trajectory, he headed to the exit but only made it a dozen steps before coming up short.

A figure loomed in front of him, not thirty feet away. Since he’d believed himself alone, this was an unexpected turn. He used the flashlight to examine the solitary person, mindful of not shining the light in the person’s eyes. His eyes? Yes, most likely a man. Shorter in stature than himself, and on the average side. The man leaned against a grave and glared indolently. Both Callum’s torch and the light of the moon illuminated him. Weren’t they due for a full moon on the solstice in two days?

“Hello.” Nothing to be lost by being friendly.

The man didn’t move, just continued to stare.

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