Monday, December 21, 2009

The Editing Process

Now I was into full editing process, getting the ms in the best shape it could be with my editor helping me. This was not a quick process, and I didn't want it to be. This was my book being published and I wanted it to be the best it could be.

If that meant we spent extra time making sure every comma was in the right place, words were spelled right, used right and evoked emotion I was fine with that. And I was learning more and more about my writing and how to make my book so much better than it was.

My editor Karen is fantastic, she gave me suggestions on what could be strengthened and left it to me to fix.

I don't care what anyone says as a writer you never stop learning.


Cari Quinn said...

Karen was my editor too. She's a sweetheart and great at helping to make a story really shine. :)

Marie Tuhart said...

I will really miss Karen. She did know how to make a story shine, but she also was good at helping me understand how to make my story better.