Monday, January 28, 2013

Too Many Ideas Not Enough Time

It's one of those rare times, for me as a writer, where I have too many ideas.

I know it sounds strange.  How can a writer have too many ideas?

Usually most writers love it when they have too many ideas, me I like it, but right now its driving me crazy.  I have ideas for 4 different books and they're all trying to get my attention.

Its hard for me when I get ideas of characters and new story lines, I want to sit down and write those books now.  But I can't.  I'm under contract for two books right now.  One is in the middle of edits and the second one hasn't been written yet.  Plus I'm working on another book for an editor that will be under contract shortly.

What is a writer to do?

I don't have all the answers.  I've barely written a word in the last week because of all these ideas floating around.  So this week, I'm going to try something different.  I'm going to write myself notes in a brand new notebook that captures these characters, their stories, and what ever else they want to tell me and see if that frees my mind up to work on the book I need to work on.

So how do you handle this when it happens to you?  Or do you have an advice?

Have a great week.



Anonymous said...


I agree with and understand your difficulty. I have found that doing what you are doing, when a story idea is brewing to write down all the ideas, frees me to return to my work in progress (WIP). Good luck!


Marie Tuhart said...

Hi Nia,

Thanks for the comment. It is really hard when you have more than one idea brewing.