Monday, July 28, 2014

Writing up a Storm

Well, I've been typing my fingers off the last little while.  Since returning from the Romantic Times convention in May, I've been keeping really busy.

Writers write.  And that's what I've been doing.

I submitted a novella to my Wild Rose Press editor and now that story has been contracted.  The Red Club Project will be part of the Lobster Cove series.  I'm very excited to have my story be a part of this series.  More to come on this.

I also submitted edits to my Sybarite Seductions editor - this is my sheikh short story that will appear in an anthology later this year.

Then I finally finished my committed menage book, it's in the hands of my critique partners now, before I get ready to submit it.

I just finished up another short story for a secret project I can't discuss yet, but I'll have news about it in about two weeks.  It's been submitted to the editor as we had a very short turn around time.

And I'm already working on my next book for Sybarite Seductions - Claiming Master Cole.

I think each book brings something different to the romance world my characters live in.  I'm hoping everyone enjoys them.

How is everyone's summer going?

Have a fantastic week.


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