Saturday, July 9, 2016

My Sexy Castle by Marie Tuhart #mysexysaturday

It's that time again for My Sexy Saturday

This week's theme:  My Sexy Castle

It is said a man's home is his castle, so for this week I thought I'd do seven paragraphs from His for the Weekend (you can win a free copy by going here). 

Cassie, my heroine, is seeing Marcus' house for the first time.  After agreeing to spend the weekend with Marcus', Cassie has second, third and fourth thoughts about what she's doing.  Due to a last minute emergency at the office she is running late and Marcus believes she might not show. Enjoy reading.

          The front door remained closed. Well, I can’t sit here all night. Exiting the vehicle, she snagged her bag out of the passenger seat, slammed the door and used the key fob to lock it.

          Striding up the walkway, she realized that Marcus was very security conscious. She’d noticed the security cameras at the gate, and she’d counted at least two cameras and five sets of flood lights from the gate to the front of his house.

          The arched entryway was impressive. It looked as if it were marble. And the size…she wondered why Marcus wanted such a large home.

          He never struck her as a person who was into material possessions. But then again, what did she really know about him? Except that he was straightforward and honest. He’d been that way from day one with her, when he made no bones about wanting her.

          Even after he left her office today, he’d emailed her his latest physical from his doctor, showing he was free from any sexually transmitted diseases. She’d done the same—not that it mattered, since it had been well over a year since she last had sex with a man.

          The heavy wooden door swung open when her feet hit the porch. Out of the corner of her eye, she found yet another camera perched in the corner.

          Marcus stood in the doorway. Her heart contracted. His hair was a mess and his arms were crossed over his chest. His stance screamed anger, but she thought she caught a glimmer of relief in his green eyes. She dismissed it.

I hope you've enjoyed this week's My Sexy Saturday.  Don't forget to check out all the other my sexy bloggers this week.

1 comment:

KC Kendricks said...

Good selection. It really makes me wonder what's been set up and where their night will actually end up.